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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Taal Volcano

Taal Volcano, of “A Lake within a Volcano within a Lake Within an Island” fame, is one of the world’s lowest and smallest volcanoes. It is very popular because it is only a day trip away from Manila. To get there, you'll pass through Tagaytay, the garden restaurant capital of the Philippines -- the home of Sonya’s Garden and Antonio’s romantic restaurant.

An adventure-filled day awaits you as you journey to the volcano's crater. First, you drive down the mountain along a steep, winding path. Then, you take a boat ride to cross Taal Lake to get to the foot of the volcano. You have the option of trekking or riding on horseback to go up to the crater, and then hiking down its slopes as smoke emanates out of the earth to release its steam.

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